Season 1 Episode 12 Gary Bridgeman | Heart of Dad

Season 1 Episode 12 – Gary Bridgeman

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In this episode I interview Gary Bridgeman.

Gary is a father to an adult daughter and a step-father to his ten-year-old stepson.

Despite training to be an engineer Gary has always been more interested in helping others overcome their feeling of being lost and stuck and lead a happier more fulfilling life.

A winding career path has taken him from the British Royal Air force to car navigation engineer, EU proposal writer, company owner, life coach, and yoga teacher.

His daughter has been his greatest teacher and her presence, wisdom and love helped him to face anxiety, depression and overcome the pain of losing his own father at nine years old.

In this episode we discuss:

  • How the break up of his relationship brought an unexpected richness to his relationship with his daughter
  • The guilt felt in separation
  • The archetypes of men and women in relationships
  •  Bankrupting himself in the process of helping his mum
  • How his father's death impacted Gary's experience of fatherhood 
  • Wrestling with not feeling good enough
  • The pressure and exhaustion of managing a new relationship alongside being a parent
  • How with his daughter's coming of age, he's now a dad, not a parent
  • The gift of being a step dad
  • The creative force of children
  • Finding freedom through his spiritual path and his daughter's support for this
  • Letting go of the need to be successful 

You can find out more about Gary at and

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